Feeling overwhelmed? Can’t sleep or concentrate? You might be dealing with toxic stress.

The COVID-19 health and economic crisis has made toxic stress a rising problem for many nationwide. Few people realize that resources are available to lessen the effects of stress and help promote health and well-being despite the difficulties unfolding during this pandemic.

United Ways of California has launched a text-based campaign* dedicated to educating the public about the effects of stress and provide help in various ways including providing stress busting tips, information on general resources for financial stressors, and clinically-proven mental health support resources through X2AI. To get started text “stress” to 211211.

Managing Stress

Digital Stress Management Resources

Bereavement and Grief

Statewide Financial Assistance

  • Benefit Kitchen can screen you to see if you’re eligible for 18 state, federal, and local resources.
  • MyFreeTaxes.org provides information in cash-back credits such as CalEITC, and can help connect you with free tax prep assistance.
  • See if you qualify for Low-Cost Internet Service in your area.
  • Food assistance can be found via a local CA Food Bank or through GetCalFresh.org

Parenting & Caregiving

* 211-211 is a texting system administered and operated by United Ways of California. This campaign is not a crisis response system and anyone in danger should call 9-1-1 or text HOME to 741-741 to reach the Crisis Text Line. 

This campaign is made possible through the generous support of a private donor. If you would like to donate please give here.